GAMES Webinar 2023 – 287期(虚拟现实与文化遗产) | 庄以仁(宁波诺丁汉大学),佟馨(昆山杜克大学),黄先锋(武汉大学)

【GAMES Webinar 2023-287期】(VR/AR专题-虚拟现实与文化遗产)



报告题目:Exploring the Communications Aspect of Social AR for Cultural Heritage Objects


Social communication around art and cultural heritage occurs mostly on location in cultural institutions, between in-group acquaintances, and at times between audiences. These behaviours are not well understood if they are replicated within virtual environments, especially when multiuser features are introduced in VR and AR. While aspects of behaviour associated with the use of multiuser virtual environments reflect the physical world, not all events and phenomenon that have been observed are normative. This means that only aspects of individuals and social behaviours are transferred, while others are novel and unique to the environments that host these social cultural behaviours. There are elements of perception, curiosity, imagination, interaction, engagement, modes of communication and exploration that are dissimilar due to the virtual nature of such environments or objects. This presentation demonstrates the phenomenon that have been observed through multiple experiments that are particularly focused on cultural heritage objects using XR technology developed as foundations for research investigation.


Professor Eugene Ch’ng graduated with a best PhD from the Electronics, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Birmingham in 2007. He has 20 years of interdisciplinary research experience, with formal training in art and design, design for the built environment, computational sciences, and humanities and social sciences research. He is founding director for both the Digital Heritage Centre and the NVIDIA Joint Lab on Mixed Reality, both at the University of Nottingham’s China campus. He presently serves as chief editor for PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality MIT Press, the longest established journal on VR research. Professor Ch’ng has been invited to prestigious scientific venues such as The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, The Royal Society Theo Murphy Scientific meeting. His research has both been presented and exhibited at British Science Festivals, Orkney International Science Festival, Darwin’s Bicentenary Exhibition, British Council SPARK, National Geographic Television, Channel Four’s Time Team Special and at UN and UNESCO events. He develops generative AI and reality technologies that are centred on art, culture and cultural heritage. He has published over 130 publications in the field and has led international grant-funded research which establishes cross-cultural and interdisciplinary collaboration. He has also served as global consultant for the V&A’s ReACH programme (Reproduction of Art and Cultural Heritage) and has been an active member of the digital heritage community. Professor Eugene Ch’ng was awarded the 3315 municipal talent award in 2015, and the Minjiang Scholar from the Fujian Province in 2022.





报告题目:Improving Users’ Cultural Engagement through Virtual Reality:  Insights from Curated Exhibitions and Immersive Reconstructions


Virtual reality (VR) technology offers promising opportunities to revolutionize cultural engagement by providing audiences with unique and immersive experiences. In this research talk, I will introduce two recent research papers that explore the potential of VR in transforming the way we curate exhibitions and experience cultural heritage. The first research project, DreamVR, focuses on curators’ opportunities and challenges in curating VR exhibitions. We proposed a set of design guidelines drawing from insights acquired in experts’ interviews. Then, we curated a virtual exhibition through an autobiographical design research process and evaluated users’ feedback in public open tours to validate the design guidelines. Our second project, Pilgrimage To Pureland, provided an easy-to-access and guided VR reconstruction for the murals in Mogao Grottoes, which converted complex 2D mural art into 3D digital VR content while preserving its originality. Research findings from these two projects will offer audiences valuable insights into approaches and design implications for revolutionizing users’ cultural engagement in VR environments and opening up new possibilities for immersive and transformative experiences.


Dr. Xin Tong is an Assistant Professor of Computation and Design,  and a researcher at the Data Science Research Center and Global Health Research Center at Duke Kunshan University (DKU). Dr. Tong is also the founding director of DKU HCI Lab and one of the co-directors in DKU’s HRC-supported Anthropocene XR Lab. ​​Previously, she was a postdoc fellow affiliated with the Pervasive Wellbeing Technology Lab at Stanford University, and before that, she was a researcher at the Pain Studies Lab. She received her Ph.D. at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada, and her Ph.D. dissertation received the “Canadian Best PhD Dissertation in HCI” award in 2021. Dr. Tong’s research areas are VR, human-computer interaction (HCI), games, accessibility, ML and AI. Her research focuses on the larger understanding of how vulnerable populations experience and interact with technologies through varying design approaches and mixed-method research. Dr. Tong has published in many top-tier academic venues in HCI areas, and she has been an editor, reviewer, and paper chair for high-impact conferences and journals, such as ACM CHI, CSCW, DIS, CHI Play, IEEE VR, and so on. Dr. Tong is also a recipient of many international, national, and university fellowships and renowned awards.









黄先锋,男,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室教授,航空航天摄影测量研究室副主任,武汉大学文化遗产智能计算实验室(教育部文科实验室)副主任,香港科技大学(广州)兼职教授,武汉大势智慧科技有限公司创始人,发表论文80余篇,其中SCI 40余篇。2006年博士毕业留实验室任教,其中,2010-2011在微软亚洲研究院访问研究,2012-2013在瑞士联邦理工大学从事城市建模、城市大数据感知方面的研究工作。长期从事计算机图形图像、测绘遥感技术在实景三维重建、文化遗产保护方面的研究工作。在激光雷达和摄影测量技术在三维建模和文化遗产数字化保护方向的研究工作中,研发了基于摄影测量高质量三维自动建模、纹理优化等关键技术和大规模并行建模处理软件重建大师系列软件。技术应用于深圳、上海、广州、武汉、兰州等全国上百个城市的高精度三维重建、公共安全、应急场景、城市规划和自然资源等各种应用;以及包括敦煌研究院、云冈研究院、国家博物馆等国内几十家重要文化遗产保护单位的文物数字化保护和多个十大中国考古发现现场数字化记录中。




李月,西交利物浦大学智能工程学院计算机系助理教授。2020年博士毕业于诺丁汉大学,主要从事人机交互、虚拟现实、增强现实、文化遗产、教育技术等多领域跨学科研究。近五年在 IJHCI, ACM ToCHI, ACM JoCCH, ACM CHI, IEEE VR, IEEE ISMAR等国际期刊和会议发表论文十余篇,以第一发明人身份申请发明专利三项,主持多项科研课题,包括国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目等,入选江苏省双创博士计划,获评苏州市科教骨干人才。李月博士现任英国高等教育学院会士,CCF人机交互专委会执行委员,BCS英国计算机协会成员,ACM国际计算机学会成员,IEEE电气和电子工程师协会成员,IET国际工程技术学会成员;担任 IEEE VR’23 在线体验主席,IEEE ISMAR’23 学生竞赛主席;长期担任 IJHCI, Virtual Reality, PRESENCE  SCI 期刊编委和审稿工作,并多次担任国际会议程序委员。教学期间多次指导学生竞赛作品入围获奖,包括 CHI 学生设计大赛、MobileHCI 学生设计大赛、中国虚拟现实大赛等。个人主页:


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