GAMES Webinar 2024 – 319期(物理仿真中的超弹性与非线性) |文嘉豪(南加州大学),屈子吟(宾夕法尼亚大学)

【GAMES Webinar 2024-319期】(模拟与动画专题-物理仿真中的超弹性与非线性)



报告题目:Kirchhoff-Love Shells with Arbitrary Hyperelastic Materials


Kirchhoff-Love shells are commonly used in many branches of engineering, including in computer graphics, but have so far been simulated only under limited nonlinear material options. We derive the Kirchhoff-Love thin-shell mechanical energy for an arbitrary 3D volumetric hyperelastic material, including isotropic materials, anisotropic materials, and materials whereby the energy includes both even and odd powers of the principal stretches. We do this by starting with any 3D hyperelastic material, and then analytically computing the corresponding thin-shell energy limit. This explicitly identifies and separates in-plane stretching and bending terms, and avoids numerical quadrature. Thus, in-plane stretching and bending are shown to originate from one and the same process (volumetric elasticity of thin objects), as opposed to from two separate processes as done traditionally in cloth simulation. Because we can simulate materials that include both even and odd powers of stretches, we can accommodate standard mesh distortion energies previously employed for 3D solid simulations, such as Symmetric ARAP and Co-rotational materials. We relate the terms of our energy to those of prior work on Kirchhoff-Love thin-shells in computer graphics that assumed small in-plane stretches, and demonstrate the visual difference due to the presence of our exact stretching and bending terms. Furthermore, our formulation allows us to categorize all distinct hyperelastic Kirchhoff-Love thin-shell energies. Specifically, we prove that for Kirchhoff-Love thin-shells, the space of all hyperelastic materials collapses to two-dimensional hyperelastic materials. This observation enables us to create an interface for the design of thin-shell Kirchhoff-Love mechanical energies, which in turn enables us to create thin-shell materials that exhibit arbitrary stiffness profiles under large deformations.


Jiahao Wen is currently pursuing a Computer Graphics Ph.D. degree at the University of Southern California, advised by Prof. Jernej Barbič. Before joining USC, he obtained his B.E. degree in Computer Science and Technology from the mixed class at Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University.




报告题目:Power Plastics: A Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian Solver for Mesoscale Inelastic Flows


We present a novel hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian method for simulating inelastic flows that generates high-quality particle distributions with adaptive volumes. At its core, our approach integrates an updated Lagrangian time discretization of continuum mechanics with the Power Particle-In-Cell geometric representation of deformable materials. As a result, we obtain material points described by optimized density kernels that precisely track the varying particle volumes both spatially and temporally. For efficient CFL-rate simulations, we also propose an implicit time integration for our system using a non-linear Gauss-Seidel solver inspired by X-PBD, viewing Eulerian nodal velocities as primal variables. We demonstrate the versatility of our method with simulations of mesoscale bubbles, sands, liquid, and foams.


Ziyin Qu is currently a PhD student at University of Pennsylvania, under the supervision of Chenfanfu Jiang. His research interest is physically-based simulation, numerical optimization, and MPM methods.



何小伟,中国科学院软件研究所副研究员,研究方向包括计算机图形学、物理仿真和基于GPU的并行计算等。在包括ACM TOG、IEEE TVCG、MICCAI等相关领域重要期刊/会议发表论文二十篇,主持研制了面向实时智能与交互的开源物理引擎——泛动引擎(PeriDyno),该引擎荣获计算机学会CAD&CG专委会2022年度“优秀图形开源软件”及2023挑战者杯元宇宙开发者大赛全国总决赛二等奖。主持/参与包括国家自然科学基金、重点研发计划在内的多个国家纵向课题;相关成果应用于华为、中国船舶、迈曦软件等。2019年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,2021年入选中科院软件所杰出青年专项支持,兼任CSIG智能图形专委会委员、第三届GAMES执行委员会委员等。个人主页:

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