GAMES Webinar 2022 – 256期(浙大-斯坦福-港大 前沿技术交流之VR/AR专题 (V)) | Brooke Krajancich(Stanford University), Jonghyun Kim(NVIDIA)

【GAMES Webinar 2022-256期】

(浙大-斯坦福-港大 前沿技术交流之VR/AR专题 (V),ZJU-Stanford-HKU Imaging Frontiers Sharing (V))

报告嘉宾1(Speaker):Brooke Krajancich (Stanford University)

报告时间(Time):2022年11月29号 早上10:30-11:45(北京时间)(Tue 11/29/2022 10:30-11:45 AM (UTC+8))

报告题目(Title):Understanding the human visual system for more immersive virtual and augmented reality displays

报告方式(Broadcast Link):


Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) wearable displays strive to provide perceptually realistic user experiences, while constrained by limited compute budgets, hardware, and transmission bandwidths of wearable computing systems. This presentation describes two different ways in which a greater understanding of the human visual system may assist in achieving this goal. The first looks at how studying the anatomy of the eye reveals inaccuracies in how we currently render disparity depth cues, leading to objects appearing closer than intended, or in the case of AR, poorly aligned with target objects in the physical world. However, this can be corrected with gaze-contingent stereo rendering can, enabled by eye-tracking. The second derives a spatio-temporal model of the visual system, describing the gamut of visible signals for a given eccentricity and display luminance. This model could enable future foveated graphics techniques with over 7x the bandwidth savings than those todays.

讲者简介(Speaker bio):

Brooke Krajancich ( is a PhD candidate in the Electrical Engineering Department at Stanford University. Her research focuses on developing computational techniques that leverage the co-design of optical elements, image processing algorithms and intimate knowledge of the human visual system for improving current-generation virtual and augmented reality displays. Brooke moved to California for graduate school after receiving her Bachelor’s with Honors in electrical engineering and mathematics at the University of Western Australia.

报告嘉宾2(Speaker):Jonghyun Kim(NVIDIA & Stanford University)

报告时间(Time):2022年11月29号 早上10:30-11:45(北京时间)(Tue 11/29/2022 10:30-11:45 AM (UTC+8))

报告题目(Title):A compact holographic near-eye display with camera-in-the-loop optimization

报告方式(Broadcast Link):


We introduce a compact holographic near-eye display system enabled by the recent camera-in-the-loop optimization method with a wave propagation function including high orders, a corresponding optimization algorithm called high-order gradient descent, and a waveguide-based backlight illumination.

讲者简介(Speaker bio):

Jonghyun Kim ( is a Senior Research Scientist at NVIDIA research. Since 2019, he has been also working as a Visiting Research Scholar with Prof. Gordon Wetzstein at Stanford University. His research interest includes near-eye display (AR/VR), light field display, and holographic display. He received Ph. D. in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University in 2017 and he has been working at NVIDIA Research after that.

主持人简介(Host bio):

Dr. Yifan (Evan) Peng ( is an Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong. Before joining HKU, he was a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Stanford University. He received my PhD in Computer Science from the Imager Lab, the University of British Columbia, both his MSc and BS in Optical Science and Engineering from State Key Lab of Modern Optical Instrumentation, Zhejiang University. Dr. Peng has been working on several Neural + X projects for cameras, displays, microscopes, and rendering. His unique and cross-disciplinary approach to research has been well received in multiple professional communities (OSA/OPTICA, ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE, SPIE, SID).

王锐,浙江大学教授,博士生导师,长期从事绘制研究,主要围绕虚拟现实与三维游戏中的图形绘制理论、算法与框架开展工作,在复杂光场高效采样、实时绘制算法、绘制架构的自动优化等方面做出了重要突破,取得了国际领先的研究创新成果,发表学术论文60余篇论文(TOP期刊论文十余篇)。承担多项国家省部项目,已获授权十余项专利,相关研究成果已成功应用于华为、西门子、网易游戏、中南卡通等公司。2011年度获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步奖一等奖、浙江省技术发明一等奖。个人主页(Homepage): 。

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