GAMES Webinar 2018-69期(Human Performance Capture Tutorial-1)| 刘烨斌(清华大学),Adrian Hilton(萨里大学)
【GAMES Webinar 2018-69期(Human Performance Capture Tutorial-1)】
报告时间:2018年10月18日(星期四)晚8:00 – 8:45(北京时间)
人体对象是视觉场景信息中最重要的部分,其具有复杂的纹理外观特性、非刚性形变和高动态特性。人体对象的动态三维重建可应用于全息三维影像通信、3D人体试衣、增强现实、安防视频人体行为分析、各类智能机器三维视觉分析、影视娱乐游戏等。近年随着三维视觉技术和深度学习网络技术的发展,IphoneX等智能手机新增加实时深度成像模组,HoloLens/Magic Leap One等AR设备的出现,5G网络的蓄势待发,人体动态三维重建的应用变得越发迫切。本报告回顾近20年动态人体三维重建技术的发展,总结多条技术脉络,包括基于面向单帧重建的、骨架驱动的、体态驱动的、时域融合驱动的四大类重建方法进行介绍,同时围绕重建的目标需求:精准、实时、便捷、大范围、语义化等5大目标进行技术阐述,介绍经典以及最新的前沿方法。最后展望未来,介绍报告人对人体动态三维重建的未来发展的认识与理解。
刘烨斌,清华大学自动化系长聘副教授,博士生导师。分别于2002年和2009年在北京邮电大学、清华大学自动化系获得工学学士和工学博士学位。2009年在清华大学自动化系从事博士后研究。2011年起在清华大学自动化系任教至今。研究方向为视觉信息获取与重建,包括三维重建、运动捕捉、计算摄像等。已发表IEEE TPAMI、SIGGRAPH、CVPR、ICCV、ECCV等领域重要期刊及会议论文30篇。获2012年度国家技术发明一等奖(排名第三)、2008年度国家技术发明二等奖(排名第三),2013年度清华大学学术新人奖,2015年国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金。
报告嘉宾2:Adrian Hilton,萨里大学
报告时间:2018年10月18日(星期四)晚8:45 – 9:30(北京时间)
报告题目:4D Performance Capture
This talk will present recent advances in 4D vision for volumetric human performance capture, modelling and animation of people from video. This includes real-time performance capture from video in uncontrolled environments and recent work on volumetric performance reconstruction from minimal camera sets. Application to Virtual and Augmented Reality Content Production will also be discussed.
Adrian Hilton, BSc(hons), DPhil, CEng, FIET, is Professor of Computer Vision and Director of the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing at the University of Surrey, UK. The focus of his research is Perceptual AI enabling machines to understand and interact with the world through seeing and hearing. This combines the fields of computer vision and machine learning to develop new methods for reconstruction, modelling and understanding natural scenes from video and audio.
He is an internationally recognised expert in 3D and 4D computer vision. His research has contributed to advancing machine perception from controlled static scenes to real-world dynamic scenes and people. This is a key technology for future intelligent systems allowing human-machine interaction in robotics, healthcare, assisted living, entertainment and immersive experiences.
Adrian has successfully commercialised technologies for 3D and 4D shape capture exploited in entertainment, manufacture & health, receiving two EU IST Innovation Prizes, a Manufacturing Industry Achievement Award, a Royal Society Industry Fellowship with Framestore on Digital Doubles for Film and a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in 4D Vision. He is currently Principal Investigator on the EPSRC Programme Grant “S3A Future Spatial Audio” bringing together expertise in audio, vision and human perception to achieve immersive listener experiences at home or on the move.
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