GAMES Webinar 2022 – 242期(浙大-港大 前沿技术交流之成像专题(IV)-联通物理世界与数字世界: 几何建模、优化与仿真) | 李旻辰(UCLA Math Department),朱宇峰
【GAMES Webinar 2022-242期】(浙大-港大 前沿技术交流之成像专题(IV)-联通物理世界与数字世界: 几何建模、优化与仿真)
报告嘉宾:李旻辰(UCLA Math Department)
报告题目:Multibody Simulation with Affine Body Dynamics
Robust and accurate multibody simulation is critical to both computer graphics and robotics. In this talk, I will present a simulation framework for multibody dynamics based on optimization time integration. Our method naturally supports mixed rigid-deformables and mixed codimensional geometries, while providing guaranteed numerical convergence and accurate resolution of contact, friction, and a wide range of articulation constraints. We unify (1) the treatment of simulation degrees-of-freedom for rigid and soft bodies by formulating them both in terms of Lagrangian nodal displacements, (2) the handling of general linear equality joint constraints through an efficient change-of-variable strategy, (3) the enforcement of nonlinear articulation constraints based on novel distance potential energies, (4) the resolution of frictional contact between mixed dimensions and bodies with a variational Incremental Potential Contact formulation, and (5) the modeling of generalized restitution through semi-implicit Rayleigh damping. Extensive unit tests and benchmark studies will be presented to demonstrate the efficacy of our method.
李旻辰,UCLA数学系助理兼职教授,UPenn博士(导师:蒋陈凡夫),UBC硕士,ZJU本科(竺可桢学院混合班)。研究兴趣为最优化问题和数值方法在几何处理与物理仿真中的应用,在TOG, SIGGRAPH等图形学顶级期刊和会议上发表论文二十篇。获2020年Adobe fellowship,以及2021年ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Doctoral Disseratation Award。多次担任各顶级图形学会议期刊评审。
报告题目:Mesh Distortion Optimization in Computer Graphics
Mesh distortion is a fundamental, long-standing problem in geometric modeling, physical simulation, and computer graphics, etc. Typically, Newton-like algorithms are used to carry out mesh distortion optimization, but they suffer from ill-conditioning and indefiness of local energy approximation. In this talk, I will introduce first-order and second-order techniques we developed to address these problems, including (1) a new optimization algorithm called Blended Cured Quasi-Newton (BCQN) that can avoid L-BFGS ‘s limitations while offering significant improvement to efficiency and robustness, and (2) an eigen method that introduces an analytic form of mesh distortion energy Hessians to improve the generality and robustness of mesh distortion optimization.
朱宇峰,VR/AR高级研发工程师,UBC博士(导师:Robert Bridson),USC硕士,SJTU本科。担任南加州大学Institute of Creative Technology实验室,东京大学Takeo Igarashi教授的图形与机器人实验室以及Adobe Creative Lab访问研究员。研究兴趣为物理模拟与几何处理中的最优映射问题,在TOG,SIGGRAPH,ICRA等顶级期刊和会议上发表论文七篇。任CGVC国际会议程序委员会委员。
Yifan (Evan) Peng,博士,香港大学助理教授,Stanford博士后,UBC博士,ZJU本硕。研究兴趣为硬件和软件协同设计在成像、显微、显示、VRARMR等领域的应用。在计算机图形学、计算机视觉、光学等领域顶级期刊和会议发表数十篇论文(SIGGRAPH, Optica, CVPR, TVCG, Science Advances, etc.),担任IEEE, SPIE, SID旗下数个国际会议程序委员(PC)、会议主席(Session Chair)、及审稿人(Reviewer)。发起计算光学领域新锐学术公众号IntelligentOptics,担任图形学和增强现实线上交流平台GAMES执委。
邹强,浙江大学计算机学院CAD&CG国家重点实验室研究员,博士生导师,UBC博士。研究兴趣为CAD/CAM中的几何建模与仿真问题。在JCAD, ASME Trans. JCISE等CAD领域顶级期刊和会议上发表论文近二十篇,研究成果“等水平规划 (Iso-Level)”方法被MIT专业课程收录,1项研究成果获辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖(排名第一),2项研究成果落地自主龙头CAD软件,4项研究成果被写入国家首个三维CAD软件测试标准。任中国计算机学会CAD&CG专委会秘书,中国图象图形学学会智能图形专委会委员,多个国际会议的程序委员会委员、分论坛主席。
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