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- 课程PPT合集(阿里云)
- Lecture 01 Intro to Physics-Based Animation
- Lecture 02 Math Background: Vector, Matrix and Tensor Calculus
- Lecture 03 Rigid Body Dynamics
- Lecture 04 Rigid Body Contacts (Lab 1)
- Lecture 05 Physics-based Cloth Simulation
- Lecture 06 Constrained Approaches: PBD, PD and others (Lab 2)
- Lecture 07 Other Constrained Methods and Finite Element Method I
- Lecture 08 Finite Element Method II (Lab 3)
- Lecture 09 Collision Handling
- Lecture 10 Surface Waves
- Lecture 11 Incompressible Fluid Dynamics and Eulerian Fluids
- Lecture 12 SPH and Position-Based Fluids
- After-class reading list
- Witkin and Baraff. 2001. Physically Based Modeling – Rigid Body Dynamics. SIGGRAPH Courses.
- Muller et al. 2005. Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching. TOG (SIGGRAPH).
- Baraff and Witkin. 1998. Large Step in Cloth Simulation. SIGGRAPH.
- Bridson et al. 2003. Simulation of Clothing with Folds and Wrinkles. SCA.
- Bergou et al. 2006. A Quadratic Bending Model for Inextensible Surfaces. SCA.
- Muller. 2008. Hierarchical Position Based Dynamics. VRIPHYS.
- Bouaziz et al. 2014. Projective Dynamics: Fusing Constraint Projections for Fast Simulation. TOG (SIGGRAPH).
- Le Grand. 2007. GPU Gems 3 – Chapter 32. Broad-Phase Collision Detection with CUDA.
- Bridson et al. 2002. Robust Treatment of Collisions, Contact and Friction for Cloth Animation. TOG (SIGGRAPH).
- Volino et al. 2006. Resolving Surface Collisions through Intersection Contour Minimization. TOG (SIGGRAPH).
- (Optional)
- Provot. 1995. Deformation Constraints in a Mass-Spring Model to Describe Rigid Cloth Behavior. Graphics Interface.
- Tournier et al. 2015. Stable Constrained Dynamics. TOG (SIGGRAPH).