GAMES Webinar 2024 – 333期(Creative Applications in AR/VR) | Minyoung Kim(George Mason University),Emilie Yu(UCSB),Ying Jiang(HKU)

【GAMES Webinar 2024-333期】(VR&AR专题-Creative Applications in AR/VR)

报告嘉宾:Minyoung Kim (George Mason University)


报告题目:Dragon’s Path: Synthesizing User-Centered Flying Creature Animation Paths for Outdoor Augmented Reality Experiences


Advances in augmented reality promise to deliver highly immersive storytelling experiences by animating virtual characters naturally in the real world. However, creating such realistic animated content for viewing in augmented reality is non-trivial and challenging. In this paper, we present a novel approach to automatically generate user-centered flying creature animation paths for outdoor augmented reality experiences. Given a sequence of storyline actions, our approach finds suitable locations for the character to perform its actions via a location compatibility predictor trained with user preferences, synthesizing a corresponding animation path optimized with respect to the user’s perspective. We applied our approach to synthesize user-centered augmented reality experiences based on different storyline actions and environments. We also conducted user study experiments to validate the efficacy of our approach for synthesizing desirable augmented reality experiences.


Minyoung Kim is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at George Mason University under the supervision of Professor Craig (Lap-Fai) Yu. Her main research interest is in AR/VR, focusing on the interanimation of the physical and virtual environment for immersive experiences and providing an automated and efficient content creation process. Her work has been published in ACM CHI and ACM SIGGRAPH. She received her M.Sc. in Computer Science from Ewha Womans University and her B.Eng. in Game Engineering from Keimyung University.


报告嘉宾:Emilie Yu(UC Santa Barbara)


报告题目:3D-Layers: Bringing Layer-based Color Editing to VR Painting


The ability to represent artworks as stacks of layers is fundamental to modern graphics design, as it allows artists to easily separate visual elements, edit them in isolation, and blend them to achieve rich visual effects. Despite their ubiquity in 2D painting software, layers have not yet made their way to VR painting, where users paint strokes directly in 3D space by gesturing a 6-degrees-of-freedom controller. But while the concept of a stack of 2D layers was inspired by real-world layers in cell animation, what should 3D layers be? We propose to define 3D-Layers as groups of 3D strokes, and we distinguish the ones that represent 3D geometry from the ones that represent color modifications of the geometry. We call the former substrate layers and the latter appearance layers. Strokes in appearance layers modify the color of the substrate strokes they intersect. Thanks to this distinction, artists can define sequences of color modifications as stacks of appearance layers, and edit each layer independently to finely control the final color of the substrate. We have integrated 3D-Layers into a VR painting application and we evaluate its flexibility and expressiveness by conducting a usability study with experienced VR artists. In this talk I will present our work on 3D-Layers, and will draw links to some of our previous work on AR/VR sketching for other applications such as 3D modeling and hand-drawn animation.


Emilie Yu is a postdoctoral researcher at UCSB in the Expressive Computation Lab. She is interested in how creative people use technology, and in questioning how computational methods can be useful to them. She explores this question through the design of software artifacts such as a desktop 2D frame-by-frame animation tool that uses 3D computer vision to align animated doodles with a video, or a VR painting application that adapts the well-known concepts of digital 2D layers to the 3D space.


报告嘉宾:Ying Jiang(The University of Hong Kong)


报告题目:VR-GS: A Physical Dynamics-Aware Interactive Gaussian Splatting System in Virtual Reality


As consumer Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies gain momentum, there’s a growing focus on the development of engagements with 3D virtual content. Unfortunately, traditional techniques for content creation, editing, and interaction within these virtual spaces are fraught with difficulties. They tend to be not only engineering-intensive but also require extensive expertise, which adds to the frustration and inefficiency in virtual object manipulation. Our proposed VR-GS system represents a leap forward in human-centered 3D content interaction, offering a seamless and intuitive user experience. By developing a physical dynamics-aware interactive Gaussian Splatting (GS) in a VR setting, and constructing a highly efficient two-level embedding strategy alongside deformable body simulations, VR-GS ensures real-time execution with highly realistic dynamic responses. The components of our VR system are designed for high efficiency and effectiveness, starting from detailed scene reconstruction and object segmentation, advancing through multi-view image in-painting, and extending to interactive physics-based editing. The system also incorporates real-time deformation embedding and dynamic shadow casting, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging virtual experience.


Ying Jiang is a final-year PhD student at HKU, supervised by Henry Lau and Ning Xi, working closely with Prof. Hongbo Fu. She is currently visiting the UCLA AIVC Lab under the supervision of Prof. Chenfanfu Jiang. Her research interests and experience include Computer Graphics (2D & 3D sketching, modeling, VR, 3DGS) and Human-Computer Interaction.



Zeyu Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Thrusts of Computational Media and Arts (CMA) and Artificial Intelligence at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). He also holds joint and affiliate appointments in the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He leads the Creative Intelligence and Synergy (CIS) Lab @HKUST(GZ). He received a PhD from the Department of Computer Science at Yale University, advised by Profs. Julie Dorsey and Holly Rushmeier, and a BS (summa cum laude) from the Department of Machine Intelligence at Peking University, advised by Profs. Hongbin Zha and Katsushi Ikeuchi.

His research interests include computer graphics, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, and digital cultural heritage. He has published over 30 papers in top international journals and conferences including ACM TOG and CHI. He serves on the program committee for GAMES, Eurographics, and SIGGRAPH Asia Courses, and serves as a reviewer for TOG, TVCG, TPAMI, SIGGRAPH, CHI, VR, CGF, EG, PG, etc. His research has been recognized by a CCF-Tencent Rhino-Bird Fellowship, an Adobe Research Fellowship, a Best Paper Award, and three Best Honorable Mention Awards.

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