GAMES Webinar 2021 – 202期(几何专题) | Nobuyuki Umetani (the University of Tokyo)

【GAMES Webinar 2021-202期】(几何专题,Talk+Panel形式)

报告嘉宾:Nobuyuki Umetani (the University of Tokyo)


报告题目:Interactive Design Optimization in Computational Fabrication


Designing functional 3D objects today continues to be a time-consuming task. The designer needs to carefully optimize the objects’ performance, which often can be evaluated through expensive simulation. Leveraging the power of machine learning, we can now drastically accelerate various kinds of simulations for 3D shape designs. Based on the prior real-world or simulation examples for various existing shapes, machine learning can instantly synthesize simulation results for a novel input shape. In this talk, I describe several interactive approaches to integrate physical simulation into geometric modeling to actively support creative design processes. The importance of interactivity in the design system will be discussed in various practical contexts including structurally robust design, musical instrument design, garment design, electric circuit design, and aerodynamic design.


Nobuyuki Umetani is an associate professor at the University of Tokyo. Previously, he was a research scientist at Autodesk Research, leading the Design and Fabrication group. The principal research question he addresses through his studies is: how to integrate real-time physical simulation into an interactive geometric modeling procedure to facilitate creativity. He is broadly interested in physics simulation, especially the finite element method, applied for computer animation, biomechanics, and mechanical engineering.



Bailin Deng is a lecturer at the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University. Previously, he was a postdoc at the Computer Graphics and Geometry Laboratory at EPFL, and a lecturer at University of Hull. He obtained his PhD in Technical Mathematics from Vienna University of Technology. He also received an MSc in Computer Science and a BEng in Computer Software, both from Tsinghua University. His research interests are geometry processing and numerical optimization, focusing on applications in architectural geometry, digital fabrication, and digital human. He received the best paper award at GMP 2019.


吕琳,教授,博士生导师,山东大学齐鲁青年学者。研究方向是计算机图形学与计算机辅助设计,特别是智能制造中的几何优化计算。在ACM TOG、IEEE TVCG、CAD等领域顶级期刊发表论文四十余篇,谷歌学术引用千余次,出版专著一部,获授权发明专利28项并转化应用3项,软件著作权4项。作为课题负责人主持国家自然科学基金三项,作为骨干成员参与团队科技部973项目、863重大专项项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等多项。获2017年度陆增镛CAD&CG高科技奖二等奖、国际实体与物理造型会议(SPM 2020)最佳论文一等奖、2020年度山东省自然科学一等奖。

李明,浙江大学计算机辅助设计与图形学国家重点实验室副教授、博士生导师,中国科学院数学机械化重点实验室应用数学博士,5年英国、美国研究经历。目前担任中国数学会计算机数学学会专业委员会委员、中国计算机学会计算机辅助设计与图形学专业委员会委员、中国工业技术软件化产业联盟CAD软件行业专业委员会委员,第22届中国计算机辅助设计与图形学大会程序委员会共同主席(2019)、国际设计顶级大会ACM SPM 2020、ACM Web3D 2020等程序委员会委员。目前研究主要聚焦多孔结构一体化设计、CAD/CAE集成等。

Peng Song is an Assistant Professor at the Pillar of Information Systems Technology and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), where he directs the Computer Graphics Laboratory (CGL). Prior to joining SUTD in 2019, he was a research scientist at EPFL, Switzerland. He received his PhD from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2013. Peng’s research interest is in computer graphics, with a particular focus on the modeling, processing, and design of digital 3D geometry. His research works can be found at:

赵海森,奥地利科技学院博后,研究方向为计算机图形学、智能制造。分别于2011年7月,2014年7月和2018年12月获得山东大学工学学士,硕士和博士学位;2019年至2021年在美国华盛顿大学Grail实验室从事博后研究。曾在ACM TOG、 ACM SIGGRAPH/Asia、IEEE TVCG、IROS等顶级期刊或会议上发表论文十余篇,申请十余项国家发明专利和一项美国发明专利。曾获山东省自然科学奖一等奖、“CCF优秀博士学位论文奖”和“CAD&CG 2012优秀学生论文”等荣誉。

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