GAMES Webinar 2021 – 201期(VR专题) | Lap-Fai Yu (George Mason University),徐枫(清华大学)


【GAMES Webinar 2021-201期】(VR专题)

报告嘉宾1:Lap-Fai Yu (George Mason University)


报告题目:Creating the Virtual Reality of the Future with Artifical Intelligence and Computational Design


With the advancement in virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR), what will the future of work, entertainment, and everyday life be like 5-10 years from now? In this talk, I will discuss recent advances of our research group on using artificial intelligence and computational design approaches to devise novel content-creation tools and user interfaces for creating the VR of the future. More specifically, I will discuss how to use optimization techniques to automate the design of human-centric virtual environments; how to devise AI-driven user interfaces to assist users with navigation in virtual enviroments; and how to integrate computer vision and scene understanding techniques into the creation of intelligent, human-friendly avators such as virtual pets and virtual assistants in mixed reality. I will end my talk by discussing many interesting research problems which are key to unlocking the full potential of virtual and mixed reality.


Lap-Fai (Craig) Yu is an associate professor at the Computer Science Department at George Mason University, where he leads the Design Computing and Extended Reality (DCXR) group. He works on computer graphics, vision, human-computer interaction, and virtual reality, particularly in AI and data-driven techniques for computational design. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles, with an Outstanding Recognition in Research Award. His research has been featured by New Scientist, the UCLA Headlines, and the IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight; and has won Best Paper Honorable Mention Awards at 3DV and CHI conferences. He received an NSF CRII award and an NSF CAREER award for his research in computational design and virtual reality. He regularly serves on the technical program committees of ACM CHI, IEEE Virtual Reality, and ACM SIGGRAPH Asia.







徐枫,中国人工智能学会副秘书长,清华大学软件学院副教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年科学基金,北京市杰出青年基金获得者。研究方向涉及计算机图形学、智慧医疗、虚拟/增强现实等。相关工作发表在ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, CVPR等国际权威期刊和会议上。



杨旭波,上海交通大学教授,研究领域为虚拟现实VR/AR/MR与计算机图形学。博士毕业于浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,曾在德国Fraunhofer-IMK所虚拟现实系、新加坡国立大学混合现实实验室、美国北卡大学教堂山分校计算机系做研究工作。现任中国图学学会计算图学专委会副主任、中国图学学会理事、中国计算机学会虚拟现实专委会常委、中国图象图形学会虚拟现实专委会常委等,担任IEEE VR等国际会议论文共同主席,Frontiers in VR期刊和Presence:VR & AR等国际期刊编委。


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