GAMES Webinar 2020 – 138期(仿真模拟专题) | Stephanie Wang(UCLA), Xuchen Han(UCLA)
【GAMES Webinar 2020-138期】(仿真模拟专题)
报告嘉宾1:Stephanie Wang(UCLA)
报告题目:Simulation and Visualization of Ductile Fracture with the Material Point Method
The talk consists of a brief review of the Material Point Method (MPM) and an overview of my SCA’19 paper with the same title. MPM is a particle based simulation method that utilizes a grid to help compute the spatial derivatives and resolve collision. The first half of the talk will review the particle-grid interpolation scheme for MPM, the grid force update, treatments involved in mesh-based forces computation, and elasto-plasticity updates. In the second half of the talk, I will go over the plasticity models used in simulating ductile material fracture and the meshing techniques for visualization of the fracturing material.
Stephanie Wang is an Assistant Adjunct Professor in Mathematics at UCLA. Her research interests are in physics-based simulations, partial differential equations, and optimization problems. Dr Wang received her PhD in Computational Applied Mathematics at University of California – Los Angeles in 2020.
报告嘉宾2: Xuchen Han(UCLA)
报告题目:A Hybrid Material Point Method for Frictional Contact with Diverse Materials
We present a new hybrid Lagrangian Material Point Method for simulating elastic objects like hair, rubber, and soft tissues that utilizes a Lagrangian mesh for internal force computation and an Eulerian mesh for self collision as well as coupling with external materials. While recent Material Point Method (MPM) techniques allow for natural simulation of hyperelastic materials represented with Lagrangian meshes, they utilize an updated Lagrangian discretization where the Eulerian grid degrees of freedom are used to take variations of the potential energy. This often coarsens the degrees of freedom of the Lagrangian mesh and can lead to artifacts. We develop a hybrid approach that retains Lagrangian degrees of freedom while still allowing for natural coupling with other materials simulated with traditional MPM, e.g. sand, snow, etc. Furthermore, while recent MPM advances allow for resolution of frictional contact with codimensional simulation of hyperelasticity, they do not generalize to the case of volumetric materials. We show that our hybrid approach resolves these issues. We demonstrate the efficacy of our technique with examples that involve elastic soft tissues coupled with kinematic skeletons, extreme deformation, and coupling with multiple elastoplastic materials. Our approach also naturally allows for two-way rigid body coupling.
Xuchen is a fifth-year PhD candidate at Department of Mathematics, UCLA, under supervision of Joseph Teran. He obtained his B.A. degree (Mathematics, Economics and Mathematical Methods in Social Sciences) from Northwestern University in 2015. His research interests include physics-based simulation for computer graphics, computational solid and fluid mechanics, robotics, and scientific computing.
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