GAMES Webinar 2019 – 104期 (几何专题课程)|辛士庆(山东大学),王斌(清华大学)


【GAMES Webinar 2019-104期】


报告时间:2019年7月25日 晚8:00-8:45(北京时间)




辛士庆,2009年取得浙江大学数学系博士学位。2009-2012年,在新加坡南洋理工大学继续深造。2012-2017年,在宁波大学工作。目前是山东大学计算机学院交叉研究中心副教授。研究方向是计算图形学、计算几何。主持国家自然科学基金2项,发表论文60余篇,其中CCF推荐A类文章14篇(含ACM TOG 8篇),B类论文20余篇,还有1项美国发明专利,两次获得ACM SPM最佳论文奖。已经培养毕业的博士3名,硕士11名。目前被中国海洋发展研究中心聘请为研究员,被中国科学院(宁波材料所)聘请为兼聘副教授,被青岛达芬奇科技有限公司聘请为特聘专家。




报告时间:2019年7月25日 晚8:45-9:30(北京时间)
报告题目:Surface Reconstruction Based on Modified Gauss Formula


We introduce a surface reconstruction method that has excellent performance despite non-uniformly-distributed, noisy, and sparse data. We reconstruct the surface by estimating an implicit function and then obtain a triangle mesh by extracting an iso-surface. Our implicit function takes advantage of both the indicator function and the signed distance function. The implicit function is dominated by the indicator function at the regions away from the surface and is approximated (up to scaling) by the signed distance function near the surface. On one hand, the implicit function is well defined over the entire space for the extracted iso-surface to remain near the underlying true surface. On the other hand, a smooth iso-surface can be extracted using the marching cubes algorithm with simple linear interpolations due to the properties of the signed distance function. Moreover, our implicit function can be estimated directly from an explicit integral formula without solving any linear system. An approach called disk integration is also incorporated to improve the accuracy of the implicit function. Our method can be parallelized with small overhead and shows compelling performance in a GPU version by implementing this direct and simple approach. We apply our method to synthetic and real-world scanned data to demonstrate the accuracy, noise resilience, and efficiency of this method. The performance of the proposed method is also compared with several state-of-the-art methods.


Bin Wang is currently an associate professor at School of Software, Tsinghua University, China. He received his B.Sc. degree in Chemistry in 1999, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Tsinghua University in 2005. He was a research assistant at Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong University, and had postdoctoral research training at ISA/ALICE Research Group, INRIA-LORIA, France. His research interests include digital geometry processing, non/- photorealistic rendering, and image and video processing.



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