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    • #12694 Score: 0
      Vector3f Scene::castRay(const Ray &ray, int depth) const
          // TO DO Implement Path Tracing Algorithm here
          Vector3f result(0.0f);
          Intersection wo_inter = intersect(ray);
          if (!wo_inter.happened)
              return result;
          // 有光源直接用
          if (wo_inter.m->hasEmission())
              return wo_inter.m->getEmission();
          Intersection ws_inter;
          float pdf;
          sampleLight(ws_inter, pdf);
          Vector3f p = wo_inter.coords;
          Vector3f x = ws_inter.coords;
          Vector3f wo = ray.direction;
          Vector3f ws = (x - p).normalized();
          Vector3f N = wo_inter.normal.normalized();
          Vector3f NN = ws_inter.normal.normalized();
          Vector3f emit = ws_inter.emit;
          float ws_distance = (x - p).norm();
          Ray incoming(p, ws);
          Intersection in_intersection = intersect(incoming);
          Vector3f l_dir;
          if(in_intersection.distance - ws_distance >= -EPSILON){
              l_dir = emit * wo_inter.m->eval(wo, ws, N)
                  * dotProduct(ws, N) * dotProduct(-ws, NN)
                  / (ws_distance * ws_distance)
                  / pdf;
              // std::cout << l_dir << std::endl;
          // if(get_random_float() > RussianRoulette) {
          //     return l_dir;
          // }
          Vector3f l_indir;
          // Vector3f wi_dir = wo_inter.m->sample(wo, N).normalized();
          // Ray wi_ray(wo_inter.coords, wi_dir);
          // Intersection wi_inter = intersect(wi_ray);
          // if (wi_inter.happened && (!wi_inter.m->hasEmission())) {
          //     l_indir = castRay(wi_ray, depth + 1) * wo_inter.m->eval(ray.direction, wi_ray.direction, N)
          //         * dotProduct(wi_ray.direction, N)
          //         / wo_inter.m->pdf(ray.direction, wi_ray.direction, N)
          //         / RussianRoulette;
          // }
          return l_dir + l_indir;


    • #14616 Score: 0

      IntersectP(const Ray& ray, const Vector3f& invDir, const std::array<int, 3>& dirIsNeg) in the Bounds3.hpp:
      这个函数的作用是判断包围盒 BoundingBox 与光线是否相交,请直接将上次实验中实现的内容粘贴在此处,并且注意检查 t_enter = t_exit 的时候的判断是否正确。

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