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GAMES Webinar 2017-05期 (Siggraph 2017论文报告)| 徐鸿燚(南加州大学),费昀(哥伦比亚大学)
2017年7月20日 @ 下午8:00 - 下午9:30
【GAMES Webinar 2017-05期(Siggraph 2017论文报告)】
报告嘉宾1:徐鸿燚 , 美国南加州大学
报告题目: Interactive Design and Simulation of Elastic Material and Damping
Finite Element Method (FEM) has been widely used for simulations of three-dimensional deformable objects. We investigate the problems of improving the fidelity, controllability and performance of FEM simulations for computer animation, games and virtual reality applications.
In this talk, I will first talk about how to enrich character animations with secondary soft-tissue dynamics in hard real-time (over 1000 fps), computed under arbitrary rigged or skeletal motion. We demonstrate how to perform multi-model reduction of FEM nonlinear elasticity, where separate reduced models are precomputed around a representative set of object poses, and then combined at runtime into a single fast dynamic system using subspace interpolation.
To produce compelling and artist-controllable FEM dynamics, the choices of material elasticity and damping properties are critically important.This talk will also present an intuitive and interactive design method to explore the high-dimensional space of material and damping for FEM simulations. In particular, I will talk about how to design arbitrary nonlinear elasticity with 1-D spline curves, how to interactively optimize heterogeneous material distributions by model reduction in material space, and how to design anisotropic nonlinear damping in an artist-directable way in the space of example deformations. Our method enables us to better capture real-world dynamics and generate effects that are not possible with previous models.
Hongyi Xu is a 5-year PhD student in computer science at the University of Southern California. He will join Disney Research in Zurich since September in 2017. He obtained his Bachelor degree with honors from Zhejiang University in 2012. His research interests are in computer graphics, physically based simulation, interactive physics, computational fabrication, contact, haptics and geometric modeling.
论文题目:模拟液体与毛发交互的多尺度模型(A Multi-Scale Model for Simulating Liquid-Hair Interactions, Siggraph 2017)
论文作者:费昀(哥伦比亚大学)、Henrique Teles Maia(哥伦比亚大学)、Christopher Batty(滑铁卢大学)、郑昌熙(哥伦比亚大学)、Eitan Grinspun(哥伦比亚大学)
费昀,哥伦比亚大学计算机系博士生. 2013年于清华大学软件学院获得工学学士学位。2015年于哥伦比亚大学计算机系获得理学硕士学位。2015年至今于哥伦比亚大学计算机系攻读博士学位。研究兴趣包括流体模拟、毛发模拟、声音合成等方向。曾担任Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds,Graphics Models,Pacific Graphics,VRCAI,SIGGRAPH Asia等国际期刊与会议审稿人。